Kristin & Jonathan Ryal

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Our New Arrivals

Last night about 1:30 am I heard the dog barking in the backyard. Libby, one of our Labs, was running in circles in the backyard barking at the top of her lungs. I could not see her sister Lacy but figured that she was just asleep in the doghouse. I looked out of all the windows with the flashlight and didn't see anything so I went back to sleep. This morning when I went out to feed them, lo and behold, there were nine other dogs in the doghouse with Lacy and she wasn't near as big. She birthed them all and as of right now they are all still alive. Momma Lacy is doing well, but tired and Aunt Libby is very protective.

Here is a link for some photos:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are so funny....did you not know she was pregnant? Lordy Lordy!

7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yall can't make fun of how many pets we have now!

3:37 PM  

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