Kristin & Jonathan Ryal

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Interesting Evening

Last night I was sitting watching the Detroit Tigers take batting practice at the Ballpark in Arlington (I refuse to call it Ameriquest Field) with my best friend Wes, when I received a call from my lovely wife, during which she informed me that the pregnancy test that she had just taken had turned out positive. So it looks like their will be another addition to the family. My mother is predicting a November 20th due date, which puts it right in the middle of the high school football playoffs. We are excited, and I am a little numb. Talk to you later.



Blogger Kerri Watts Alexander said...

YEAH!!!!! You guys will be great parents. Poop, how Bethany and I will have to make shower invitations....I think it would be rude for Kristin to make her own. That is unless she wanted to...hint hint. Love you guys...congrats!

7:27 AM  

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