Kristin & Jonathan Ryal

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Winding Down

Well the end of school is almost here. Field day today, early release tomorrow, and work day on Friday. It has been an interesting year. Surprisingly I think I will miss most of my kids. Kristin is just getting over strep throat so she has been off work a couple of days. Other than that it is slow around here.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

More Puppy Pictures

School is winding down and not much going on around the Ryal household. However, we do have new pictures of the puppies. They are mobile now and have started on solid foods. We bring them in about an hour in the evening to feed them and give Lacy and Libby a break. Zeke is not too sure about them.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Thank you for the prayers

I have been putting off blogging this, per chance that it was just a bad dream and maybe I would wake up, but we found out last Wednesday that Kristin had a miscarriage. We have had many praying for us and we truly appreciate it. She had some things happen that made us think it might be a possibility and the doctor's visit was just confirmation. So on some level we had been grieving for a few weeks. We are doing as well as can be expected, we have our moments but we both know it was in God's hands from the beginning, and he is way smarter than we are. Just know that we are not defeated and know it will happen eventually, so keep checking back, and please keep praying.

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